Сценарій свята (пісні на англійській мові)
Favourite Ukrainian songs in English
1. to get acquaintance with the history of Ukrainian songs, symbols and traditions of our people;
2.to develop pupils` skills , the healthy spirit of competition
3. to promote the intellectual curiosity
4. to get to know as much as possible about the Ukrainian songs in translations
5.to form pupils` ability to sing Ukrainian songs in English and open the minded
1.the portraits of the Ukrainian writers and poets
2.quatations of the well known people of our epoch about the role of music in our life
3.presentation of Ukraine
Quates about music
``Without music ,life would be a music`` Freiedrich Nietzsche
``Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent``
Victor Hugo
``Where words leave off, music begins``
Henrich Heine
The music of the composition of ``The Mighty Dnieper roars and bellow``is sounding.
Narrators: a boy (English variant) and a girl(Ukrainian variant )
1. sounds of this song : ``The mighty Dnieper roars and bellows``… Do you listen to the well known
These sounds are very native to our hearts , to our soul and that`s why I want to sing , I want to dance. And let`s speak about our Ukrainian songs and about music at all .
2. Music is an essential part of everyone`s life . We can`t imagine a person living without music. We can listen to it at home, at work , in the car or even while walking along the street.
3.It goes without saying that music is really very important in our life .
It reflects people`s ideas and emotions , feelings , it inspires and comforts us.
4 . English is used at such musical festivals as San Remo and Eurovision.
All singers perform songs in English.
5. It is time for us to try .Why not?
All our students study English and play musical instruments. Let`s do it .
It is the student of the 7th form Berezovs`ka Kristina . She plays the composition by T .Shevchenko `` .
6 .Music not only entertains us but teaches us a lot . It is like a book: it makes us better , cleverer and kinder.
7.The first song in our life we listen to is a lullaby .It is the mother`s song to her baby. And then when we become adult we sing the songs to our dearest mothers .One of them is the` Song about the towel`. The mother presents the towel to his son as the symbol of the living road. Words by A .Malyshko , music by P. Maiboroda .The singer is Kate Regotun, the student of the 11th form. You are welcome , Kate.
Song about a towel
(Пісня про рушник)
Words by A .Malyshko
Music by P. Maiboroda
Dear mother, my love
You were not often sleeping,
And you helped me in life and my home alone,
And no distant my way you saw off me at dawn,
And you gave me your towel embroided by you.
And to distant my way you saw off me at dawn,
And you give me your towel for luck and the fortune to me .
Let`s on it be a dew road which is always in blossom,
And the nightingale`s groves and the green meadows too,
And your mother`s sincere and wonderful smile,
And your very sorrowful blue and gentle eyes.
I shall take this my towel and shall cover the fortune,
In a soft rustle of grass, in a twitter of groves,
And all known to me will become animated,
And my childhood , my parting and my loyal love.
And all known to me will become animated,
And my childhood and parting and your mother`s
Exeptional love .
(presentation about the ukranian embroided towell is used without sound )
8. Do you like the lyric songs ? They are very melodious and understandable. The lyric hero of the song ``Two colours`` symbolizes the cleanness and kindness .This song sounds in different continents of the planet . Please, listen to the song . Martyniuk Andriy is the student of the 11th form. Words by D. Pavlychko , music by O. Belash .
Two Colours
(Два кольори)
Words by D.Pavlychko
Music by O.Belash
When I was young and ready in the spring
To seriously start my own road,
My mother had embroided a shirt for me
With red and black, with black and red
On very soft and nice a piece of cotton.
Two colours are forever in my heart ,
Two colours are forever in my soul:
Red colour means the mother`s greatest love,
Black colour means unhappiness and sorrow.
My life`s been full of problems and bad luck,
But I came always back to a native town,
Thanks to my mother`s precious needlework,
I`ve had happy , sad, exciting,
My happy , sad, exciting, glorious triumph.
And when approaching my silver age
I haven`t brought the richness to my house,
I haven`t had nothing but my mother`s towel,
And all my own life , and all my own life,
Has been depicted brightly in both colours .
(presentation ,video about song`` Two colours`` is used without sound)
9.The most poetical songs are the songs about love. The song `Moonlight`` is one
of them .
Another song is `Why did not you come`? May be today the young people do not like to listen to such songs, because they are not modern, not popular . But from my point of view, the folk style is very wonderful in the world. I think you`ll agree with me .Listen to the song . It is performed by Yaroslav Solodkyi.
``Moonlight night`
Moonlight night is so quiet and starry,
Clear as in broad daylight.
Will you, my darling , though tired and weary,
Come out to sit by my side?
Let us be sitting so close together
Under a big snowball tree.
I feel like Lord of the Lords , high and mighty,
When in my arms I hold thee.
Don`t just fear that you may be cold-
There`s no wind ,no cloud.
Held so close to my heart on fire,
You will be warm ,no doubt.
Don`t just fear that white maiden`s feet
You may get wet with cold dew –
Here in my arms is the very door step
I will, my love ,carry you.
(presentation , video of the song ``Moonlight night``is used without sound)
10. Why did not you come?
Why did not you come
When the night was calm,
When moonlight was shown?
Did your horse go stray?
Did you lose your way?
Mother didn`t allow?
Neither horse went stray,
Nor I lost my way,
And mother let me go.
Younger sis did meddle:
Took away the saddle,
Wish I never saw her grey
Little stream in front
Over I`ll jump;
Water runs without rest.
Mother, I beg thee
``Will you marry me
To the one I love best? ``
(presentation ,video of the song``Why you did not come ?``
This song was formed by the group of girls of the 8th - 9th forms. They
are the winners of many song festivals in our town , Cherkasy .
Welcome them , please.
11.The Ukrainian songs are ordinary , sincere and melodious .Do you know
the song `A Red Ruta` ? If you know sing it with Tania Rosputnia .
(Червона рута)
Words and music by V. Ivasiuk.
Can you tell me the truth?
Where you`ve got such a magic,
I have been all these days
In the spirit of sadness,
Maybe somewhere in the woods
You have looked for the spell herbs,
You have found the sunrut
And have charmed me with magic.
Don`t look for the Ruta ,
You don`t look for it in the evenings.
You are the only my love,
You are really one,
Cause of your beauty
That looks like clear water,
Quick shiny water
From mountain hills.
I meet you in my dreams,
I n the green oak-groves
And for me all this seems
Sign of luck and the hops,
And you don`t have to bring
Me the blossom of hope,
That`s because you forever
Stay with me in my dreams.
(presentation , video of the song ``A Red Ruta`` is used without sound )
12. .Look at this girl! Who is she? Of course, she is our Ukrainochka , that`s why
she is sinning this song now . She is Suchenko Kate. Applause , please.
A Ukrainian girl
Words by L.Demydenko,
Music by M . Tatarchenko
Many enemies captured me,
Murdered, killed ,didn`t let me free
But their efforts were in vain,
I regenerated all the same.
I was born in Ukraine.
People say I am like a flower,
That my words have magic power,
That my soul sings
Like a nightingale,
From Ukraine, I am a proud girl.
(presentation , video of the song ``A Ukrainian girl``is used without sound )
13.There are many styles of music. They are classical, jags, pop, rap and folk . And I think the Ukrainian music is based on old traditions and reflects the lives and life problems of the people.
The Ukrainian songs help us to know more about the history , culture and traditions of our country. Such song is the song `My Ukraine` which is performed by Golovchenko Nikita. Words b y N.Tishko , music by M. Tatarchenko.
My Ukraine
You are Unique and dear to me,
My Ukraine.-2 times
You in front of the enemy
Never kneeled.
You to the star of the dream
Went through hardship-2 times
You swam in the kind and still sea
Like a white ship.-2 times
It is my native land
That I`ll never, never change.
Rivers ,takes and a wide plain-
This is my Ukraine.
There is my native land,
It is my dearest pearl.
In my soul it will never wend,
Ukraine is my Motherland.
Wherever I am,
You are with, my Ukraine.
You are my mother that has gained
The native language of a nightingale.
Here I drank from the spring of rain
The clearest water like a dove,
Here I was drunk without any pain
With the love.2 times
(presentation , video of the song ``My Ukraine`` is used wihtout sound )
14.If you are interested in music we`ll check it .Do the quiz ``How musical are you ?``
Answer the questionnaire and find your score.
1. Which instruments do you play…
a. very well (3 for each)
b. quite well(2 for each)
c. a little?(1 for each)
d. not at all?(0)
2. Is music important to you ?
a. Yes.(5)
b .Sometimes(3)
c .It depends on the kinds of music (2)
d. No (0)
3. How often do you sit down on and listen to music ?
A .Every day (4)
b. Most days (3)
с.Some days(2)
d. Never (0)
4. How many concerts did you go to last year?
a. More than5.(4)
b 2-5(3)
d. None(0)
.How many Cds have you got ?
A .So many you can`t count(4)
c. About 10(2)
d. None (0)
6 .Where and when do you listen to music ?(1 point for each)
A .In the sitting room
B .In your room
c. In bed
d. In transport
e. While you`re working
f. While you`re studying
g. when you `re doing sport
h .Your variant .
Add up your score.
25-30: You are music mad! Take your earphones off and listen to your teacher.
20-25: You like music but know there are other things in life .
10-20 :You like other things more than music .
0-10:It`s OK .Music is for birds.
15.The concert is over. See you soon.
Literature :
----------------------- №44,2010 , видавництво ``Шкільний світ``
Бібліотека журналу``Англійська мова та література``2003, видавництво ``Основа``
M.Bondar ``Зробіть урок цікавим `` pp37-38
``How musical are you?``
Quatations about music are from Internet
1. ``The Mighty Dnieper roars and bellow``…
2. ``Song about a towel.``
3. ``Two colours`.
4. ``Moonlight night``
5. ``Why did not you come ``.
6. ``A Red Ruta`.
7. ``A Ukrainian girl`
8. ``My Ukraine`.`
1 .Ви чуєте добре знайомі звуки цієі пісні ``Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий``?
Ці звуки дуже дорогі для наших сердець, і ось чому мені хочеться співати і,співати і
зараз давайте поговоримо про украінські пісні і взагалі про музикуама
2 .Музика є невід`ємною частиною нашого життя. Ми можемо слухати музику дома, на роботі,в машині і навіть ,коли ми просто прогулюємось.
3.Коротше кажучи, музика дійсно дуже важлива в нашому житті.
4.Англійська мова використовується на таких фестивалях як в Сан Ремо і на Євровіженні.Всі співаки виконують пісні на англійській мові .
5.Прийшов час і нам розпочати наш конкурс. А чому б і ні ? всі учні вивчають англійську мову і грають на музичних інструментах.
Давайте послухаємо як це робить Березовська Крістіна.
6.музика не тільки нас розвеселяє ,ай вчить нас .Вона як книга : робить нас кращими , розумнішими і добрішими.
7. Перша пісня, яку ми чуємо в нашому житті, це звичайно колискова .Мама співає іі своій дитині.І потім ,коли ми стаємо доросмлими ,ми співаємопісні нашим дорогим мамам .І одна з них є пісня про ршник.М ама дарує рушник своєму синові як символ життєвоі дороги.Слова Андрія Малишко.музика П Майбороди. Співає Катя Реготун. Учениця 11 класу .Запрошуйте іі
8.Вам подобаються ліричніьт пісні ?Вони дуже мело дійні і зрозумілі. Ліричний герой пісні
``Два кольори`` cимволізують чистоту та доброту .Ця пісня звучить на різних континентах планети .Посдухайте цю пісню. Виконують учні 11 класу.Розпутня таня .та андрій Мартинюк.На слова дмитра Павличка і на музику Олександра Білаша.
9.Найбільш поетичними піснями є пісні про любов.``ніч яка місячна `` одна з них.
Мабуть сьогодні молодим людям не подобаються слухати такі пісні , тому що вони не сучасні а тому не популярні . Але з моєі точки зору ,народний стиль дуже чудовий.
Я думаю ви згодитесь зі мною , послухавши пісню в виконанні Ярослава Солодкого,учня 11 класу .
(виконується пісня ``Чом ти не прийшов`)
10.Ця пісня була виконана ансамблем учениць 8 класу.вони є переможцями багатьох пісенних конкурсів в місті .АПЛОДУЙТЕ ІМ ЩЕ РАЗ.
1 1Украінські пісні – прості, щирі, мелодійні.Чи знаете ви пісню ``Червона рута``?Якщо ви знаєте ,то співайте разом з Оксаною Завальнюк.
12.Є багато стилів музики .Це класичний ,джаз, поп ,реп, і народний стиль.І я думаю народна пісня найкращий стиль,тому що вона базується на старих традиціях і відображає
Життя,життєві проблеми нашого народу.Украінська пісня допомагає нам більше взнати про історію,культуру і традиціі нашого народу, нашоі краіни.
13.Подивіться на цю дівчинку.Хто вона ? Звичайнобю., вона наша украіночка і ось чому вона співає цю пісню зараз.Це Сухенко Катя. Вона співає пісню ``Украіночка``.
14 А зараз проведемо турнір `` Знавців музики?``
Дайте відповіді на запитання:
( англійський варіант турніру ``Знавців музики``)
15.Концерт закічено. До нових зустрічей.
Джерело: http://teacherjournal.com.ua/home/26019-ulyublen-ukransk-psn-na-angljskj-mov.html |